Funded projects

Discover here some inspiring examples of projects that Ghent secured through Flemish and European funding.

Funded by the European Union

  • Improving air quality via CityTRAQ

    15 sensor boxes provide real-time air quality data.
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  • Increasing local integration through the CONSOLIDATE project

    Together with 11 European cities, Ghent is looking for new and more effective local integration strategies.

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  • COPPER: the electricity grid of the future

    Through the COPPER project, the City of Ghent is preparing for the local energy transition and the challenges it entails.

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  • Advancing diversity, equality and inclusion policy through DiGiN project

    The DiGiN project aims to create a toolbox for diverse, equal and inclusive working environments across local governments in Europe.

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  • Digital transformation of urban logistics via DISCO

    DISCO supports European cities in the digital transformation of urban logistics and sustainable planning, in order to manage urban space both optimally and strategically.

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  • FEAST makes more sustainable and healthy eating behaviour easier

    Thirty European partners are working on food systems that support the transition to more sustainable and healthy eating behaviour. In Ghent, a Living Lab is being set up for this purpose on collective action around food.

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  • To sustainable last-mile logistics via Green-Log

    Green-Log wants to accelerate the shift towards sustainable and smart mobility in the last mile delivery of goods.

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  • HeriTACE: sustainable renovations for heritage townhouse buildings

    Through the HeriTACE project we aim to transform heritage townhouse buildings into energy-efficient assets while preserving their historical integrity.

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  • JUSTGREEN: building a greener future for everyone

    How do we ensure that vulnerable residents can also benefit from climate actions and greening projects?

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  • Nature-inclusive building for more wildlife in the city

    Ghent wants to give birds, bats, bees and plants a permanent place in the city with climate-proof interventions in buildings.

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  • NEUTRALPATH: co-designed urban solutions for climate neutrality

    Through the Living Lab project, the districts Muide-Meulestede and Mariakerke are experimenting with transition initiatives to become climate-neutral and resilient districts.

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  • North Sea Port Talent 2.0

    Optimisation of the labour market and better use of talent in the port area.

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  • Collaborating on green, resilient and socially inclusive smart cities through ReGreeneration

    ReGreeneration is a collective effort of 9 European cities to reimagine densely populated neighbourhoods as vibrant hubs of sustainability, livability, and social cohesion. Participation is central.

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  • Desealing and greening the city through Rewild

    Scientific research and pilot projects in three vulnerable neighbourhoods will help the city in its desealing and greening process.

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  • Healthy and sustainable food at school via SchoolFood4Change

    We support schools in their transition to a healthy and accessible food policy with the inspiring Whole School Food Approach.

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  • SPACE4CITIES: looking for smart solutions via satellite data

    Via the smart use of satellite data, District09 aims to achieve better and more dynamic management of public space.

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Funded by the Flemish Government

  • Project LODE: Local Open Data Economy

    How can Open Data make a difference in the next 10 years?

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  • Collecting and using rainwater in a smart way in the Citadel Park

    Through the 'sponge project', we keep more rainwater in the park and protect ourselves against periods of drought.
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  • Smart Spatial Planning for liveable neighbourhoods and vibrant centers

    How do we make the best possible use of available space?

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  • Urban renewal projects

    Through the Urban Renewal Fund, Flanders supports the City of Ghent with resources that contribute to urban renewal projects, enabling us to revitalise certain neighbourhoods and improve their quality of life.

    Discover the projects here (only in Dutch)

Past projects

  • BE REEL! Renovating homes with the help of the Renovation Academy

    Accelerating the renovation rate of Ghent's residential housing stock.

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  • Using blockchain for local services through BLING

    Pilot project makes applying for Ghent Energy Loan easier, quicker, more efficient and more privacy-friendly.

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  • Civic eState

    Transferring good practices in the pooling of urban commons.

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  • Collections of Ghent

    What if citizens, museums and heritage institutions could make free and creative use of each other's objects, documents and stories?

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  • Improving housing Conditions for Captive Residents in Ghent (ICCArus)

    Through the ICCArus project, the houses of 100 households in socially deprived neighbourhoods in Ghent were renovated to meet minimal living standards.

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  • IncluPAS: using sport to enhance social inclusion

    The IncluPAS-project aimed at creating social inclusion in disadvantaged communities, through sport and physical activity.

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  • PlastiCity: recycling plastic waste in an effective way

    The PlastiCity project looked for new solutions for the collection, sorting and processing of plastic waste.

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  • PROBE: Proactive Public Access to Government

    Decision-making tailored to both humans and machines.

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  • Ending homelessness via ROOF project

    Tackling homelessness by creating innovative housing solutions with 8 European cities.

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  • SCORE: Improved Public Services through the Reuse of Open Data

    SCORE (Smart Cities + Open Data Reuse) aimed to enhance public services by making optimal use of data sets.

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  • TMaaS: towards a virtual and digital traffic centre

    A radical new way to develop traffic centres for small and medium-sized cities

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  • URBCON: from waste to concrete

    Contributing to the reduction of the high primary material consumption and CO2 emissions of the construction sector.

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  • VLOED: Can we predict city crowds?

    How can we create an accurate picture of crowd levels in the city?

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