Ghent Light Plan

Discover the light plan in full splendour

Go for a walk
Graslei | ©Niels Donckers
Graslei | ©Niels Donckers
  • The Light Plan strengthens the identity of the city

    Ghent began developing a comprehensive light strategy for its city centre in 1998.
    Light accents were implanted on the most important stepping stones of the city: monuments, buildings, gateways, streets, parks and squares. Light provides additional connections and allows us to experience the city in a totally different way than during the day. City lightening creates atmosphère, gives an identity to squares and streets. It stimulates the curiosity of the stroller. A subtly present basic lighting, complemented by some targeted details, accentuates the historic panoramas, the skyline and the historical, cultural heritage of Ghent.

  • The Light Plan increases safety

    The Ghent Light Plan in the city does not only provide an agreeable experience, but it also strengthens the feeling of safety through a correct way of lighting.  

    Better and more pleasant lighting gives visitors, retailers and commuters the opportunity to abide safely in the city at darkness.

    More people in the streets at night generate a greater social control.

  • Reduction of energy use

    The City of Ghent also strives for a Rational Use of Energy , by

    • Lighting at the appropriate place for suitable activities at the right time
    • Using the latest, most economical lighting technologies such as LED
    • Avoiding intrusive lighting and light pollution

    With these measures the City of Ghent already saved a lot of energy and will be saving more in the future.

  • Light plan for the entire city

    As from 2007 a new light plan was created for the entire city. Next to lighting the city centre, Ghent started to illuminate such defining landmarks as buildings, streets and squares in the suburbs, the Canal Area and the port of Ghent as well. Some examples in the suburbs are Pierkespark (Brugse Poort), the Tondelier gasholders, the central squares and churches of the districts Drongen, Oostakker and Ledeberg and a crane tower in the Old Docklands of Ghent. This plan has to reinforces the nightly landscape of Ghent and grants its own identity, it has to deminish light pollution and decrease the energy use of lighting.

A new light plan for the North Sea Port Ghent

  • Since 2011 there is a special lighting plan for the Canal Area and the North Sea Port of Ghent as well. This plan has to diminish light pollution and decrease the energy use of lighting.

    A first step was the renewal of the public lighting in the North Sea Port of Ghent (2019-2022). More than 1200 public lights were replaced by new LED lights. 

  • Light art and light festival

    Thanks to the Light plan, Ghent has international fame and has won several awards. It provides the scenery for a light festival every three year and for light art in the city. Discover everything about the Ghent Light festival.

    As a souvenir of the Light Festival, the city of Ghent installed three installations of light art: the Illuminated Lanterns  ‘Ai Nati Oggi’ by Garutti and 'The Blue Birds from Mr. Maeterlinck' and the artwork Palimpsest by LAb[au] in Gentbrugge.

Take a walk through Ghent by night

And discover these gems

Find out more about the light plan

  • Discover the ideas behind the light plan

    The light plan was not created over night. It is founded on scientific research and, during its creation, many citizens were consulted. Learn more about the methodology of the research and the ideas behind the light plan.

    Read the brochure

  • Discover the light plan in full splendour

    Do you want to experience the impact of the light plan on the city of Ghent? Then put on your walking shoes and take an evening stroll through our historic city. Join an organised tour offered by the tourist group association or use the map of the tourist information centre to guide you to the most beautiful places in Ghent. The walk is about 5km and takes approximately two hours. Just take a stroll in the city centre after nightfall, but do it well before midnight, because then the atmospheric and monument lighting is turned off.

    take a walk

International experience

In 2005 the city of Ghent became member of  LUCI,  the international network of cities on urban lighting, to share our lighplan-experience and to learn from other cities and their Lighing plan. 

  • Le Plan Lumière de Gand

    En 1998, Gand a entamé l’implémentation de son Plan Lumière pour l’entiereté de la ville. Gand a progressivement accentué ses points de repère essentiels: monuments, bâtiments, portes d’accès, cours d’eau, axes de circulation, rues commerçantes, parcs et places publiques. Non seulement l’éclairage du plan Lumière rend la ville plus agréable à regarder, mais aussi, il augmente le sentiment de sécurité publique.


    Envie de vous balader le long des lieux et bâtiments les mieux mis en valeur ? Suivez la promenade illuminée balisée 


  • Der Genter Lichtplan

    Gent begann 1988 mit der Erstellung eines Gesamtlichtplans für die Innenstadt. Mit dem Lichtplan hat die Stadt Gent die wichtigsten Denkmäler, Gebäude, Eingangstore, Verkehrsadern, Geschäftsstraßen, Parks und Plätze mit Lichtakzenten versehen. Das erhöht nicht nur die Attraktivität der Stadt, sondern auch die allgemeine Sicherheit.

    Mehr wissen

    Eine coole Tour entlang den am schönsten beleuchteten Orten und Gebäuden? Machen Sie den Licht-Spaziergang

  • El plan de iluminación de Gante

    En 1998, Gante puso en marcha el diseño de un plan integral de iluminación para el casco antiguo. Gracias a este proyecto, el Ayuntamiento de Gante ha realzado con luz los principales monumentos, edificios, puertas históricas de acceso a la ciudad, avenidas, calles comerciales, parques y plazas. Con ello no solo se ha logrado embellecer la ciudad, sino que también ha aumentado el sentimiento de seguridad ciudadana.

    Quiere darse un paseo por los afueras y los municipos colindantes? Dese un paseo iluminado  y encontraré esos puntos iluminados .



  • Have a sneak peek

    Discover the Light Plan of Ghent through our promotional video