Need to know telephone numbers
Contact details for Gentinfo, medical care, first aid, ...

Gentinfo is THE central point of contact for information about the city council and the city. You can reach them via:
Tel.: 09 210 10 10
First aid
European emergency number: 112
Ambulance: 100
Info Belgium (directory assistance service): 1207
Fire brigade: 100
Burn Centre Brussels: 02 268 62 00
Police: 101
Child Focus (centre for missing children): 116 000
Drug line: 078 15 10 20
Aids line: 078 15 15 15
Utility failures
Problems with water: 078 35 35 88
Faulty streetlights: 0800 6 35 35
Electricity/gas faults: 078 35 35 00
Medical care: weekend and night duty
Every day after 7 pm, weekends and holidays:
Doctors: 09 236 50 00
Dentists: 0900 10 500
Pharmacists: 0903 36 996
Vets: 09 217 00 62