
Long-term parkers are being encouraged to park at a park-and-ride (P+R) at the edge of the city.

A vital link in reducing the car traffic in the city center is to create more park-and-ride (P+R) spaces. These will take care of the car traffic outside the city center and will offer connections with public transport or bicycles.


NameNumber of parking spotsLocation
P+R The Loop/Expo168Map
P+R Gentbrugge E17233Map
P+R Gentbrugge Arsenaal278Map
P+R Moscou32Map
P+R Mariakerke Post20Map
P+R Industrieweg Wondelgem62Map
P+R Oostakker199Map
P+R Muide (Pauwstraat)101Map
P+R Maaltebruggepark36Map
P+R Hekers69Map
P+R Watersportbaan (Zuiderlaan)226Map
P+R Bourgoyen255Map
P+R Neptunus (Wondelgem)140Map
P+R Lübeck36Map
P+R Galveston100 subscribersMap
P+R Sint-Pietersstation300 subscribersMap

Please be aware that P+R Galveston and P+R Sint-Pietersstation are paid park-and-rides. You are able to get a day ticket or subscription service for P+R Galveston. P+R Sint-Pietersstation only offers a subscription service (day tickets are not available).