How to invoice

Invoicing to the City of Ghent, PSWC Ghent, AMC Arts & Design, AMC Heritage, Police Zone Ghent, Rescue Area Ghent and IT partner District09.

Header elektronische facturatie

Our 7 entities that are linked to Group Ghent fully opt for e-invoicing

Stad Gent (City of Ghent), OCMW Gent (PSWC Ghent), AG Kunsten en Design (AMC Arts and Design), AG Erfgoed (AMC Heritage), Politiezone Gent (Police Zone Ghent), Hulpverleningszone (Rescue Area Centre) and our IT partner District 09. We resolutely opt for swift, far-reaching and fully-fledged e-invoicing as a major step towards digitalisation. This is an opportunity to digitalise this process for your company as well!

What is an E-invoice?

An E-invoice is created electronically on the basis of structured data (XML UBL2.1) and sent (paperless) via the PEPPOL network. PEPPOL is the international standard for the safe, quick, reliable and easy exchange of electronic messages such as invoices.

An invoice in PDF format sent by email is not regarded as an E-invoice.

Obligation and deadlines for Group Ghent

The implementation of the Royal Decree “E-invoicing” of 9 March 2022 obliges suppliers to send e-invoices to the government (European, federal, Flemish and local authorities). Group Ghent plays a pioneering role in the field of digitalisation and automation, and the obligation will take effect in phases within Group Ghent. 

  • 1st phase: mandatory as from 1 November 2022 for all orders exceeding the threshold of the European Notification
  • 2nd phase : mandatory as from 1 May 2023 for all invoices, regardless of the value of the order

Note: invoices presented on paper or in PDF format after these deadlines will be refused. 

Advantages of E-invoicing

Electronic invoices have a lot of advantages: quicker and automatic processing or your invoices, no risk of loss of invoices, an increase of timely payments, reduction of costs relating to working time, paper or postage. 

In combination with E-ordering, E-invoicing guarantees optimally automated processing, from the orders to the eventual payment of your invoices. 

How to invoice

E-Invoicing via PEPPOL/Mercurius

You send us your invoices electronically via the Mercurius/Magda platform of the Federal and Flemish Governments. These e-invoices are electronic invoices in a standardised format (XML UBL2.1 format “PEPPOL”).

Our business rules for E-invoicing

In order to guarantee that your E-invoices are delivered without errors or recurring problems and can be efficiently processed in our ERP system, we list the main aspects relating to the content of the fields of the E-invoice in our own business rules.

Click here for our business rules for E-invoicing.

Getting started with e-invoicing

Formalities for invoices

What is the information that must be mentioned on your invoice to the City?

Supplier subject to VAT (private limited company, public limited company, some liberal professions, ...)

If you have a VAT number, you must comply with the formalities referred to in VAT legislation.

  • Always indicate the appropriate VAT percentage (e.g. co-contractor, small enterprise, exemption on the basis of article 44)
  • VAT number of the seller
  • VAT or CBE number of one of our entities
  • IBAN number of the seller
  • Always mention the order form number. Enter this number in the field “Order reference” or “PO number”
  • Description and date of service/delivery
  • Send a separate invoice for each order form

Make sure that your XML file contains all data; if not, it is advisable to also send the original PDF when sending your E–invoice. 

Send your invoice only once through the right channel, i.e. via E-invoicing. Invoices or duplicates sent on paper and via e-mail will not be processed. 

Expense statements

Supplier NOT subject to VAT (private individuals, certain liberal professions, legal entities that do not have a VAT number)

Mention the information listed below on your expense statement for correct payment.

  • Name
  • Address
  • Your account number (IBAN)
  • Date on which the expense statement is drawn up
  • Description and date of service/delivery
  • Delivery address or name of the department placing the order
  • Amount

Send your expense statement directly by email to the department placing the order or to your contact.  They will make sure that your expense will be registered and paid.   

Order form

A contract with the City of Ghent will only be concluded after an order form, a letter confirming the conclusion of an agreement or an agreement will have been sent following the approval by the relevant department.

You should therefore always wait for this approval before delivering goods, providing services or carrying out works.

Starting on 1 July 2022, the City of Ghent intends to only send digital order forms. This means that order forms will no longer be sent on paper and by post.

This way we want to deliver the order forms faster and in a eco-friendlier manner.

Send your company number and email address to, so as to quickly receive your order form.

Your data will be processed in accordance with the GDPR regulations. You are at all times entitled to consult and rectify your data.  In order to do so, contact

General invoicing data of our entities

Business name
VAT or CBE number
Invoicing address / registered office

Municipal administration of Ghent

BE 0207.451.227

Stadsbestuur Gent - Factuurregistratie
Botermarkt 1
9000 Gent

PCSW Ghent

BE 0212.214.125

Onderbergen 86
9000 GENT

Police Zone of Ghent

CBE 0862.897.944
Politiezone Gent - Factuurregistratie
Botermarkt 1
9000 GENT

Rescue Area Centre

BE 0500.927.497

Hulpverleningszone Centrum
Roggestraat 70
9000 GENT

AMC Heritage

BE 0537.522.332

AGB Erfgoed - Factuurregistratie
Botermarkt 1
9000 GENT

AMC Arts & Design

BE 0537.520.055

AGB Kunsten en Design - Factuurregistratie
Botermarkt 1
9000 GENT

District 09

BE 0749.998.654

AGB District 09
Botermarkt 1
9000 GENT

Questions and reminders?

Send any questions and reminders to the following email addresses:

Business nameQuestions, reminders and information
Stadsbestuur Gent
Municipal administration of Ghent
PCSW Ghent
Politiezone Gent
Police Zone of Ghent
Rescue Area Centre
AGB Erfgoed
AMC Heritage
AGB Kunsten en Design
AMC Arts & Design
AG District