Healthcare services
How does the healthcare system work in Belgium? And where can you find healthcare services in Ghent?
Finding your way around healthcare services
The general practitioner (GP)
When should you go to the GP?
Your GP is the central figure in your healthcare network.
Your GP will help when you:
- have questions about your health,
- are ill,
- need urgent care for problems like cuts or sprains.
Your GP can also refer you to other healthcare providers, like a physiotherapist, a psychologist, a dietician or other specialised healthcare providers.
Choose a regular GP in your neighbourhood. You can find one in:
- a private practice ran by one GP,
- a group practice, ran by multiple GPs,
- a community health centre or a different group practice, where GPs collaborate with e.g. physiotherapists, nurses, dieticians or social workers.
Find your General Practitioner in Ghent
Please note that most GPs work by appointment. Book an appointment in advance, either online or by phone.
What should you bring?
- Your identity card, kids-ID or Isi+ card,
- Cash or your bank card,
- If you don’t have a valid residence permit: your medical card or Fedasil documents.
How much does it cost?
Usually, you will have to pay between 20 and 30 euros. Your health insurance fund will reimburse a large part of that amount. The portion you have to pay yourself is called a copay or a personal contribution.
- If you qualify for preferential reimbursement you will only be charged the copay.
- If you are registered at a community health centre, you don’t need to pay anything.
- Please note that a house call will usually be more expensive.
Don’t pay too much
- Ask your GP for a Global Medical File. This means that you choose a regular GP and you will pay less.
- Do you have a low income? Then you can ask to implement a direct settlement system. That way, you only need to pay your personal contribution (copay). If you qualify for preferential reimbursement, a direct settlement system is compulsory and will be applied automatically.
- If you are unable to pay your medical bills, ask for help at your local OCMW office (Public Centre for Social Welfare).
How much is your copay?
With a Global Medical File
Without a Global Medical File
With health insurance fund
4 euros
6 euros
With preferential reimbursement
1 euro
1.50 euros
What can your doctor provide?
- A (digital) prescription for medicine
- A medical referral letter for another healthcare provider,
- A sick note for your employer,
- A declaration of illness for your health insurance fund (= getuigschrift arbeidsongeschiktheid [certificate of unfitness for work]).
The dentist
Why should you see a dentist?
In order to keep your teeth healthy, you should have a dental check-up at least once a year. Should you have a dental problem, the dentist will take care of it.
Always book an appointment in advance.
What should you bring?
- Your identity card, kids-ID or Isi+ card,
- Cash or your bank card,
- If you don’t have a valid residence permit: your medical card or Fedasil documents.
How much does it cost?
For a dental consultation, you will usually pay the full amount. Afterwards, your health insurance fund will reimburse a (large) part of it. If you qualify for preferential reimbursement, the reimbursement will be higher.
Prices vary depending on the nature of your treatment, but an average visit to the dentist costs at least 50 euros.
If you need to visit the dentist several times, ask about the cost of each treatment in advance. That way, you’ll know what to expect.
Your personal contribution for a yearly visit to a dentist who is ‘geconventioneerd’ [who has signed the convention (with all health insurance funds) on the application of fixed official rates]:
As a member of a health insurance fund
3.50 euros
With preferential reimbursement
0 euros
Under 18
0 euros
Want to save on dental care?
- Get a dental check-up at least once a year to make sure that your health insurance fund will cover most of the costs.
- Ask in advance if your dentist is ‘geconventioneerd’. This means they work at the official rates. Other dentists may or may not charge more.
- Ask your dentist To apply the direct settlement system, so you only have to pay your personal contribution.
- If you are unable to pay your medical bills, ask for help at your local OCMW office (Public Centre for Social Welfare).
Bank holidays and weekends?
During the weekends or on bank holidays, you can only go to an on-call dentist for emergencies.
You can book an appointment from 9 AM to 6 PM by calling 09 033 99 69 (1.5 euros per minute).
Find this information in other languages.
The pharmacy
What can I find at the pharmacy?
At the pharmacy, you can buy prescription and over-the-counter medication, as well as medical equipment and personal care products. You can also find medical supplies and care products. The pharmacist will explain how to take your medicine and what side effects might occur. Your pharmacist can also give you advice on common health problems.
Choose a regular pharmacy nearby. This will be your personal pharmacist. Your personal pharmacist will keep a record of the medicine you use. This enables them to give you proper advice. On top of that, you will often be given a discount as a regular.
Find a pharmacy in Ghent on
What should you bring to the pharmacy?
- Your identity card, kids-ID or Isi+ card,
- Cash or your bank card,
- If you don’t have a valid residence permit: your medical card or Fedasil documents.
- If applicable: a drug prescription from your doctor.
How much does it cost?
If you are a member of a health insurance fund or if you have a medical card, you will only have to pay a (small) part of the price of your medicine: your personal contribution.
Don’t pay too much
· Choose generic unbranded drugs. They contain the same ingredients and are just as effective as branded medicine, but they are cheaper.
· Your pharmacist can recommend cheaper alternatives.
· Over-the-counter drugs could be cheaper if your doctor prescribes them. Don’t hesitate to ask.
· People with preferential reimbursement pay less.
· Do you take medication frequently or are your medical expenses high? The maximum bill will limit your yearly expenses. Did you reach the maximum amount? From now on, the copay for all your next consultations will be fully reimbursed automatically (the part you normally pay for yourself).
Evenings and weekends
1. On, you can find on-call pharmacies that are open in the evenings and during the weekends. Type in your address and they will appear on the map (with the address, distance and itinerary).
2. On the door of each pharmacy, you can find a list of nearby pharmacies that are open until 10 PM. Usually, the list also mentions a phone number that you can call to find out which on-call pharmacy is open after 10 PM.
3. You can always find the nearest on-call pharmacy by calling 0903 99 000 (1.50 euros/minute, available 24 hours a day). -
GP out of hours services in Ghent
Wachtpost AZ Sint-Lucas -
Wachtpost UZ Gent -
2 Show all photos
Did you get sick in the evening or during the weekend?
Do you have an urgent medical problem that can’t wait until the office hours of your GP the next day?
- Call 1733.
- Choose your language.
- Enter your ZIP-code.
- You will be connected to an employee who will help you.
- In the evening on weekdays, you will have to go to an on-call GP nearby.
- During the weekends or on bank holidays, you will have to go to one of the two GP out of hours services (see below).
Are you deaf or hearing-impaired?
- Send a text message to 8665.
- The text message should include:
- Your name,
- Your phone number,
- Your address.
- The on-call doctor will text back to discuss further details.
GP out of hours services in Ghent | weekends and bank holidays
1. AZ Sint-Lucas Gent 2. UZ Gent Groenebriel 1
9000 GhentC. Heymanslaan 10
9000 GhentBy car:
Set the address Terhagen in your GPSPublic transport:
Bus: 5, 8 (bus stop on campus)
Tram: 1, 4By car:
Follow the signs that read ‘Spoed/Huisartsenwachtpost’
(A&E/GP out of hours services).Public transport:
Tram: 4 (stop on campus)
Bus: 5, 8 -
Health insurance fund
Why should you join a health insurance fund?
Health insurance funds (known as ‘mutualiteiten’ in Dutch) cover a big part of your medical expenses.
Your health insurance fund pays:
- An allowance when you are sick,
- An allowance for mothers who recently gave birth.
Everyone is compulsory to join a health insurance fund. You are free to choose one.Your health insurance fund will help to keep your healthcare affordable.
For example:
- The health insurance fund staff will check if you are entitled to preferential reimbursement (if so, you pay less).
- They can help you find a ‘geconventioneerde’ doctor (who doesn’t charge surcharges and will therefore be cheaper).
- They give you more information on allowances and additional insurance.
- They will check your hospital bills to make sure you’re not paying too much.
How much do health insurance funds charge?
To join a health insurance fund, you need to pay a membership fee. The fees and benefits are different for each health insurance fund. Be sure to make thorough inquiries before making a choice.
Please note: the Hulpkas voor Ziekte- en Invaliditeitsverzekering (HZIV) [Auxiliary Fund for Sickness and Invalidity Insurance] is the only free health insurance fund. However, it only covers the mandatory insurance costs. You will not receive other or extra benefits (like partial reimbursements for glasses or sports camps for kids).
Children under 18 are insured through the membership of one of their parents by the health insurance fund. Please provide your health insurance fund with a copy of their birth certificate to your health insurance fund.
You may continue to receive child benefit (‘groeipakket’) for children over 18 (if they go to college, for instance). In that case, your insurance will cover them until their 25th birthday. If you no longer receive child benefit or if your children turn 25, they need to join a health insurance fund on their own account.
Health insurance funds in Flanders:
When should you go to the hospital?
You can go to the hospital to
- consult a specialist,
- undergo an examination,
- be hospitalised.
Usually, your GP will give you a referral to the hospital when necessary.
Urgent help?
For life-threatening, urgent medical assistance, you can go to A&E.
In dire situations, call 112. An ambulance will come to pick you up.
You can choose which hospital you go to, except if you are brought there by ambulance.
There are 4 hospitals in Ghent, all offering most treatments:
- AZ Jan Palfijn, Watersportbaan 5, 9000 Gent
- AZ Maria Middelares, Buitenring Sint-Denijs 30, 9000 Gent
- AZ Sint-Lucas, Groenebriel 1, 9000 Gent
- UZ Gent, De Pintelaan 185, 9000 Gent
What should you bring?
- Your identity card, kids-ID or Isi+ card,
- A sticker of your health insurance fund,
- A referral letter from your doctor, if you have one,
- A list of all the medications you take,
- A certificate of your hospitalisation insurance, if you are insured.
How much does it cost?
You don’t pay at the hospital. The bill will be sent to your home by post or by e-mail. On the bill you will find the share you need to pay yourself.
Don’t pay too much
> Choose a room for two or more people.
In a private room, you will pay extra for the room and for your healthcare provider and your bill might be high. In a room for two or more people, you will not be charged the extra sum.> Contact the hospital social service.
Visit the social service at your hospital before or during your stay. The hospital social workers will help you apply for reimbursements or benefits. They can also contact the OCMW for you.> Ask your health insurance fund to check your hospital bill.
Your health insurance fund will check your hospital bill to make sure you’re not paying too much.> Contact your hospitalisation insurance.
If you have a hospitalisation insurance, a large portion of your expenses will be reimbursed. Ask your insurance company for more information.
Bilingual leaflets about healthcare services
1. Medicul de familie (huisarts)
2. Medic de familie – serviciu de gardă (wachtdienst)
4. Asistență medicală accesibilă ca preț (betaalbare gezondheidszorg)
5. Casa de asigurări de sănătate (ziekenfonds)
9. Kinetoterapeutul (kinesist)
10. Îngrijire la domiciliu (thuiszorg)
12. Asistență medicală preventivă (preventieve gezondheidszorg)